Friday, January 21, 2011

Over Active Fork

Are you suffering from "Over Active Fork(OAF)?" Here are the symptoms:
1. You are 20 pounds or more overweight
2. You lack energy.
3. You cannot sleep well.
3. You panic when you have to fit into a small space (ie turn stiles, restaurant booths, husband's sports car etc.)
4. You use shopping carts as walkers.
5. If you have extreme OAF your feet may not get wet when you shower.
6. You cannot be in the same room with food without eating something.
7. You hide fast food wrappers and bags from other members of your family.
8. When planning an event, your first consideration is what food is going to be served.
9. The length of your pants is shorter than your waist measurement.
10. Just watching an exercise video makes you tired.

Maybe these symptoms have put a smile on your face but they are real. I suffer from a few of them myself.
Now what are we going to do to about them. Let us put our focus on Romans 6:6
For we know that our old self was crucified with him that our body of sin might be done away with that we should no longer be slaves to sin . Now isn't that good news? We are no longer a slave to sin because our sin was crucified with Christ on the cross. Lets take that thought and think on it for awhile Let it resonate in our hearts. Let us count on that promise and be free from the symptoms of OAF.
Tip : I read this, and am counting on it to be true. Be consistent. Imagine a plane taking off. In the beginning, a lot of energy is spent to simply get moving down the runway. But as speed and momentum take over, the plane is pulled forward and up into the sky, faster and further by the second. Consistent action, no matter how small, has more power that you ever imagined.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Well a new year is well underway and this is the first I have written since October. You may have given up on me. Believe me I have felt like giving up on myself. I haven't lost anymore weight. The holiday trilogy certainly did a number on my plans to break my bad habits. It showed me underneath the surface are the old habits just waiting to get out. Guess what I opened the door wide and let them come in. The result was that I ended up the old year a couple pounds heavier than my last entry. I really got off pretty well weight wise all things considered but when I saw how far off base I can get and how easy it was to get there. It really made me stop and rethink this habit breaking thing. What does it actually take to break those habits and never think about them again? I have been reading Proverbs lately and I came across this in chapter 6 verse 6. Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise. So I considered the ant and I realized something ants just never give up. They work hard at accomplishing their goals and they help one another. They do not let disasters stop them. Step on an ant hill and the next day you will see it rebuilt. They each have a job to do within their community and they do it. Now I see why God directs us to consider their ways and we will be wise. Let us be wise this new year and never take our eyes off the our goals. We should not give up even when disaster strikes. For a person trying to shed excess weight that disaster can be as simple as a weak moment of eating something we know we shouldn't. Well pick yourself up and start again! Like I said before ants also help one another out. My husband Bob just retired and I have asked him to take a more active roll in helping me out. Every once in awhile he may even make a blog entry. He is much better at this kind of thing than me. Hopefully we can all work together to honor God by taking care of our bodies, after all they are His Temple.
Please share with me how you did over Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. I need to know what works and doesn't work for you. We are in this together. Remember to consider the ANT.